Aquatec completed detailed hydraulic modelling and design of a commercially-suited pressure sewer scheme to service the Moorebank Logistics Park, a large industrial freight and warehousing precinct in Sydney, and continue to support the development's staged growth at a site-by-site level by providing the infrastructure for each new connection.
A large-scale infrastructure project with unique challenges
Moorebank Logistics Park (MLP) is Australia’s largest freight infrastructure project, linking Port Botany directly with rail terminals and warehousing on a 247ha site. The precinct will have 850,000m2 of high specification warehousing, as well as auxiliary services including retail and service offerings, providing $11 billion in economic benefits over 30 years.
The site topography is very flat, and therefore not suited to a conventional gravity sewer solution. In addition, Sydney Water stipulated strict effluent discharge rates from the private MLP network into their public infrastructure. Aquatec designed and delivered a pressure sewer scheme to overcome these challenges and support the long-term growth of the development.

Enabling and supporting the staged construction of industrial developments
The initial design for the MLP pressure sewer network was based on pump technology not suitable for industrial applications, and would have resulted in very inefficient hydraulic operation through the initial stages of the project. In late 2019, Aquatec were engaged to develop a concept pressure sewer hydraulic model to service the development. This design was undertaken assuming full build out of 75 lots and included system performance analysis, sewage calculations, and odour modelling assessments for both Stage 1 and eventual full build out.
Aquatec’s technical team were able to re-design pipe sizes and lengths to ensure WSAA self-cleansing velocities would be achieved, and enabled Qube to establish a common standard of equipment across the entire estate.

“A pressure system was originally designed, but it did not take into account the staging of construction necessary for such a large project. A number of problems quickly arose, such as meeting authority flow rates and combating odour within the reticulation due to long pipe lengths, which Aquatec were able to resolve.”
— John Mettam, Project Manager, Qube
Fit-for-purpose technology and custom engineered solutions
- Aquatec’s OGP+ pumps, the only pressure sewer pumps specially designed for commercial and industrial applications, are specified in Duplex and Triplex configurations in order to cater for flow rates from each lot as the development grows and evolves over time.
- Customised fibreglass chambers are constructed for each site, as well as horizontal FRP storage vessels where required to increase emergency storage capacity while minimising excavation depth. These are supplied with all penetrations pre-fitted for simple installation.
- Each system is paired with Aquatec’s innovative OmniSmart Multi control panel, which is capable of operating up to five pumps up to a maximum of 60 Amps per pump and can be upgraded to include full remote telemetry and SCADA capabilities. At the Moorebank site, all controllers communicate via ethernet connection to regulate discharge patterns.

“Of utmost importance to us was to partner with a company which had the knowledge and expertise to develop a solution which would work, as well as proven experience in projects with similar challenges and of comparable size.”
— John Mettam, Project Manager, Qube
Continuous involvement throughout the design and construction phases
- Aquatec have been involved with the MLP project since the initial design stage, continually refining and enhancing the pressure sewer design to cater for varying levels of trade waste and wastewater discharge into the network.
- With a range of sites across the warehousing and logistics sectors, and each property having a different proposed application, Aquatec are conducting a detailed hydraulic design for each individual lot as the industry type, and therefore daily inflow, becomes known.
- Aquatec’s ability to support the development of the precinct by integrating each pressure sewer pump station into the overall system concept as they connect has proved invaluable.
- Qube has also commissioned Aquatec to undertake a comprehensive technical review and hydraulic assessment of the entire MLP precinct, and investigate alternative sewer reticulation options to optimise discharge during future construction stages. This is occuring at a site-by-site level, and ensures a consistent, effective and fit-for-purpose wastewater strategy for the whole of the project life.
- The MLP project has secured an ‘Excellent’ Design Infrastructure Sustainability rating from the Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia (ISCA) thanks to a high level of automation, minimising environmental impact and greenhouse gas emissions.
- Aquatec have played an integral part all the way through the precinct’s on-going evolution, with a customised approach to system design and delivery enabling large industrial projects like these to proceed using pressure sewer technology.