Aquatec's end-to-end service model assisted Max Bright & Sons in delivering a large water storage upgrade project for Goulburn Valley Water, including the design and construction of two pumping stations.
Supporting regional growth
The Abbinga Reservoir is owned and operated by Goulburn Valley Water (GVW) and provides critical water supply to residents in the townships of Euroa and Violet Town. The 560 megalitre (ML) lagoon was deemed insufficient to meet rising demand, prompting GVW to embark on a major upgrade project to construct a new 300 ML water storage lagoon.
As part of this project, two new pumping stations were required – one of precast concrete with submersible pumps to pump raw water from Seven Creeks to the newly built reservoir, and a second pump station above ground at the reservoir itself to transfer water to the Euroa Water Treatment Plant.

“What stood out to us was the opportunity to work with a team that provided a complete solution from start to finish, from evaluation and design through to construction. Pump stations are not our field of expertise, so to mitigate risk we partnered with a company who we knew would perform.”
— Jeff Bright, Director, Max Bright & Sons
Design and construction partners
In 2018, Goulburn Valley Water (GVW) commenced the Abbinga Reservoir upgrade to ensure that water supply to Euroa and Violet Town remains sustainable over a 50 year period, engaging GHD to provide a concept plan. Aquatec formed a partnership with the successful civil contractor, Max Bright & Sons, to deliver both assets as an end-to-end solution. Aquatec’s scope of works included the design, supply, installation and commissioning of all civil, mechanical and electrical components for the following:
— Abbinga Replacement Pumping System, incorporating dual 90kW centrifugal pumps, level transmitters, pipework, 7.7m x 4.5m pump shed building, and switchboard
— Seven Creeks Concrete Pumping Station, incorporating a 3.5m diameter x 5.0m deep chamber, dual submersible pumps, level transmitters, pipework and switchboard.

Comprehensive, end-to-end solution
The most important factor which influenced Max Bright & Sons’ decision to work with Aquatec was the full range of services provided at every stage of the project, providing peace of mind for the client and water authority.
Aquatec had the capabilities to construct the Abbinga pump shed building as well as supply and install fibre optic communications between the two pumping stations.
Both GHD and Goulburn Valley Water were impressed by the end result accomplished by both Aquatec and Max Bright & Sons. The completion of the new lagoon has allowed GVW to proceed with Stage 2 of the project, scheduled for mid-2019, to upgrade the existing reservoir capacity from 560 ML to 700 ML.

“None of the other options we explored had the in-house capabilities of Aquatec, who had internal design, electrical, and construction teams and also attended approval meetings with the water authority, giving us great confidence.”
— Jeff Bright, Director, Max Bright & Sons