Located five hours west of Brisbane, the regional town of Chinchilla was experiencing a spike in its population – while struggling with the service of old and decaying sewerage infrastructure.
Managing site restrictions
With the increasing possibility of effluent leakage and environmental damage, Aquatec was appointed to install a new concrete sewer pump station to service the Chinchilla’s projected population growth over a 30 year period.
The site identified for a new pump station was on a tight parcel of land fronting a nature strip between residential properties and a roadway.
Our pump station achieved a smaller overall footprint with the inclusion of our exclusive internal valve chamber, while also achieving an improved visual appearance for surrounding residents and allowing for easier maintenance access.

Securing a town’s sewerage future
With the increasing possibility of effluent leakage and environmental damage, Aquatec was appointed to install a new concrete sewer pump station to service the town’s growing population. Working to a tight time-frame, and on a tight site, Aquatec delivered a system which will help the local council and community long into the future.

Locally made innovation
We manufactured and delivered a 3.2-diameter, 6.4-metre deep mould-formed concrete sewer pump station which would meet the needs of Chinchilla’s future.
The design featured an integral valve chamber engineered to eliminate the line-up of separate valve chambers for a reduced footprint which was critical due to space limitations. A mastic sealant applied to all joins provided a guaranteed seal to protect the asset from future leaks into the surrounding residential environment.
Building for the future
Our pump station achieves delivery flow of 54 litres per second at a total discharge head of 44 metres. The flow and head pressures were calculated for delivery to the township’s new treatment plant based on projected 30-year growth rates.

Technology and training
The pump station is supported by a switchboard fitted with an automatic dialling system which alerts the local council to faults or failures in real time.
We provided local personnel with operation and maintenance training to ensure the continued safe operation of the pump station. By designing the pump station lid with a removable gantry and mechanical wind, our pump stations ensure safe lifting and maintenance. A hinged grating provides added fall protection for maintenance workers
Complete installation service
Aquatec managed the entire project build, which included assistance with the decommissioning and diversion of wastewater from existing to new infrastructure.
We were able to install and commission the new sewer pump station within tight time frames, including mechanical and electrical fit-outs and testing to all council standards.