The successful replacement of over 150 failing pump controllers, using Aquatec's OmniSmart technology, has led to Byron Shire Council adopting Aquatec's complete Pressure Sewer Systems as standard.
Overcoming environmental challenges
Byron Shire Council have operated and maintained a pressure sewer network in the region of Byron Bay, New South Wales, for many years.
In 2017, the controllers for over 150 pressure sewer systems supplied by a competitor had come to their end of life cycle. These panels were perishing due to the salty, windy and wet coastal conditions, causing issues both in reliability and safety.
Aquatec were engaged by Council to supply our OmniSmart 1000 Pressure Sewer Control Panels to replace the existing controllers. The scope of work included delivery and training on the new technology.

“Aquatec provided us with a high level of service to ensure we got the product that we paid for. Multiple site visits, product trials and phone support made for a pleasurable experience.
I would recommend Aquatec to anyone seeking a pumping solution.”
— James McQuaker, Team Leader Electrical Maintenance, Byron Shire Council
Replacing existing, unsatisfactory technology
Byron Shire initially began replacing the failing controllers with the original system manufacturer’s updated controller. However, these were bulky, awkward to access and contained very basic technology. Additionally, Council were not receiving a satisfactory level of customer service and support.
At this time, Aquatec had provided Council with an OGT domestic pressure sewer grinder pump, which has a 20 year design life with zero scheduled maintenance, complete with the Omnismart 1000 Control Panel as a trial. After testing the market for feasible options, they decided on the OmniSmart as the replacement for all 150 controllers due to its build quality, smart controls, user friendliness and Aquatec’s outstanding service.

Superior commitment to service
The most important factors that influenced Byron Shire Council’s decision were the reliability of Aquatec’s complete systems, the quality of the fully Australian built OmniSmart controller, and the assistance provided by Aquatec’s people.
Aquatec were able to call on over 20 years of experience in working with councils throughout Australasia to design and supply thousands of pressure sewer systems, eliminating repair and service costs and making operators’ lives easier.
The success of the controller replacement project was such that Council have now made the switch to Aquatec for all complete pressure sewer systems (including the OGT pump, chamber and controller) as a turn-key supplier that can adapt to their existing equipment.

“We were offered a trial of a complete Aquatec pump and controller package. It was evident within the first fortnight that this was a far more reliable product, our most problematic site was no longer an issue!”
— James McQuaker, Team Leader Electrical Maintenance, Byron Shire Council